How do I fund my crypto wallet?
You will need USD Coin (USDC) and MATIC in order to make investments on the Closin platform. You can purchase both of these cryptocurrencies on an exchange such as Coinbase. You will need USDC to fund your investment in a property on the Closin platform and MATIC to pay for the transaction fees. Once you've purchased USDC and MATIC on Coinbase, you can send them directly to your crypto wallet address (such as MetaMask or Coinbase wallet). You should purchase and send at least $100 worth of USDC (the minimum investment amount in a property) and approximately $1 worth of MATIC (to pay for transaction fees when making investments) to your crypto wallet. Each transaction on the Closin platform should not incur transaction fees of more than $0.05 USD.
IMPORTANT: You will want to select the Polygon network on Coinbase as the network when you send your USDC and MATIC to your crypto wallet.
Last updated